It's nice to meet you.


 I help empathic leaders transform their teams, careers, and lives with more confidence and decisiveness.


About Carla

I work with high-achieving empathic and sensitive leaders because I believe that we have the power to transform workplaces, business, and the planet… if we can harness our strengths productively. 

My clients include C-suite finance, tech and marketing executives, investors, small business owners, and creative professionals.

In addition to coaching, I create and facilitate leadership and management training programs for companies.

I’m a Certified High Performance Coach by the High Performance Institute. I’ve given a TEDx talk and my work has been featured in Thrive Global, Forbes, and other platforms.

Most importantly, I practice what I preach: I strive to live in alignment with my vision and teachings every day. 

When I’m not working, I love spending time with my husband and new baby boy.